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Under study now, apparently, is an amendment that would allow Uribe to run again in 2014. Uribe had sought to mount a referendum on a Constitutional amendment allowing him to pull a Chávez-Bloomberg gambit and run for a third consecutive term (even as the legality of the last constitutional amendment allowing his reelection remains in question.)Įl Espectador is calling that project a dead duck today, though the political parties differ on that evaluation. No one thought the affair would go so far as to undermine the 2010 reelection referendum, as it wound up doing yesterday in the lower house of the national congress. As a terrible winter lashes half of Colombia, the aftershocks of the DMG earthquake have exceeded all expectations: from victims queuing up at the El Campin stadium to the emotional accusations against President Uribe, giving rise to a fresh political scandal. The dramatic images of the looting and burning of premises in Mocoa yesterday sum up the explosive situation generated by the collapse of the pyramid schemes.

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Nadie pensó que terminaría por socavar hasta el proyecto de reelección del 2010, como sucedió ayer en la Comisión Primera de la Cámara. Mientras uno de los más fuertes inviernos azota con fiereza a la mitad del país, las repercusiones del ‘terremoto DMG’ han desbordado toda previsión: desde las filas de damnificados en el estadio El Campín hasta las emotivas acusaciones al presidente Uribe pasando por el surgimiento de un nuevo escándalo político. Las impactantes imágenes de los saqueos y quemas de oficinas ayer en Mocoa resumen la explosiva situación que ha generado el desplome de las ‘pirámides’. "Get your prepaid card": From DMG's Panamanian Web siteĮl terremoto DMG: “The earthquake that is the DMG scandal.”

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